The Simplest Way To Experience Abundance
(Without Strain or Struggle)

Dear Friend,

I'm about to share one of the most powerful ways I've ever discovered that clears stuck energy in minutes and makes you feel inspired and clear. This incredible gift came to me several years ago, I met a man who completely changed my life.

This incredible gift came to me several years ago, I met a man who completely changed my life.

That Day Changed My Life Forever

This was the real beginning of a new chapter in my life.

That special discovery was a particular kind of healing Essentials Oils. I had heard about them many times over the years, but I never knew just how powerful they really were.

And the man that shared them with us told us why they're were so different. I can remember the feeling of awe and amazement I felt as he described them to us. I'll never forget the feeling - a deep sense of something profound and exciting came to us and it continues to this day (over 7 years later).

What is Abundance?

Abundance N. - overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart.

Wholeness, fullness,
And what is the opposite of abundance?

Scarcity - The fear of not enough.

You either believe in a world of abundance or in a world of scarcity. But this kind of belief isn’t just a thought, it’s a feeling.

The Power of The Origin Thought

And that feeling is beneath your normal level of thought (what I call the Origin Thought). The origin thought is the “thought beneath the thought” driven by our subconscious mind.

If you experience “not enough” in your life (in your career, finances, relationships, health and energy) it is because your subconscious is holding on to old beliefs of scarcity.

Now is the time to transform the old beliefs of scarcity into abundance.

If you’ve ever had challenges with “getting ahead“ or feeling like no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to shift your prosperity or wealth, you are on the verge of one of the biggest breakthroughs of your entire life.

Because what I am about to share with you will help you once and for all to clear whatever has held you back from experiencing abundance in your life.

The Secret of the Emotional Brain

There’s a part of you that controls your emotions and how you feel. And this same part of you also controls your level of abundance.

It’s called the emotional brain (also known as the amygdala). Whenever you experience states of being over-stressed and overwhelmed, the emotional brain takes over those stressful thoughts (and emotions) and stores them in your subconscious.

What is Prosperity Reversal?

This is where it gets really interesting. 

If you ever feel like the "valve" that controls money, love, and energy in your life is running slowly (or is rusted shut) I can relate to how you’re feeling.

I’ve had times in my life when no matter how hard I tried, nothing seemed to work.

I discovered that when this happens it’s called Prosperity Reversal. It’s like your energy is running in reverse. So when you take actions to move forward in life it feels like you were literally taking one step back.

But the good news is there’s something you could do about it. Something so amazing that you’ll want to share it with your friends and those who you love most.

Because it’s that powerful.

What is...

About four years ago I lost almost everything. Not just the love of my life, but my entire savings as well.

My life partner passed away.

My company fell apart and I was devastated. And no matter how hard I tried, things seemed to get worse.

It didn’t change overnight, but there’s one thing that kept me afloat. And I’d like to share that one thing with you so that you can have the breakthroughs that I’ve experienced – and even more.

Essential Oils are proven to be one of the fastest (if not THE fastest) way to clear negative emotions and accelerate your abundance.

But there's a big problem.

90% of Essential Oils on the market are filled with chemicals and additives.

You can go to health food stores, drug stores (egads!) Amazon, etc. and the vast majority of the oils you find there have additives that deplete the healing energy they once had.

The good news?

After searching for 10 years, I found the best (and most vibrant) source of oils.

I've been to the farms where they're produced and watched the whole process. From the right soil, to the growing stages to the distillation process and I was amazed).

Pure Oils = Breakthroughs

These Essentials Oils are not like the kind you find in stores. They are grown from seed to harvest to the actual oils by a company called Young Living. They are the world leader in Essential Oils because they produce oils that are grown with love and compassion (right from the seeds).

No additives or chemical agents are ever used in the productions of these amazing oils. They are so safe - they can be taken internally. (Unlike all retail oils which are chemically altered to "smell" better - and have therefore lost all their healing powers (Chi)). 

We've joined forces with Young Living because we've seen firsthand what they can do for anyone interested in feeling better and preventing disruptions of mind or body.

An image of an actual field of Lavender were these
special oils are grown and harvested.

The Best Way To Begin - The Abundance Kit

The simplest way to begin your journey with pure Essential Oils is with the Premium Starter Kit. It contains 10 of the best oils available (and it's economical as well becasue you get a free diffuser!)

When you first open the box, it will feel like Christmas morning. You'll feel the healing energy coming from these oils and a smile will come to your Heart - knowing that these oils are "meant to be".

VIP - These Essentials Oils are not like the kind you find in stores!

Here's What You Get

This incredible gift came to me several years ago, I met a man who completely changed my life.

Pure Oils = Breakthroughs

Ten Special Essential Oils


Citrus Fresh

Special New Bonus

We've created a new clearing method to help you eliminate negative energies of any kind in less time than it takes to go for a walk.

It's called the "Energy Clearing Formula".

You can use it to clear anxiety, worry, fear, apprehension and many other low frequency emotions. And it just takes a few minutes to learn and apply.

The special oil that clears these low energies is included in the Premium Kit - but its how you use it that's the key. Like many of Young Living's Essential Oils, there are limitless healing qualities that are hidden within the oils. When you learn how to unlock these hidden qualities, layers of old heavy energy will be lifted and you will feel a level of peace and clarity you haven't felt in years.

We're so confident that these special oils will help you clear any issue - that we're willing to offer you a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. All we ask is that you give them your whole hearted commitment to use them and listen to the free bonus training we provide you when you order the Premium Kit.

Here's how to order your 
Abundance Kit

Normally $324
Now just $165

(Save over 50%)

If ordered separately, the 12 individual oils (plus diffuser) would cost over $324, but you can save over 50% when you order the Premium Oils Kit today. 

Here's what you get:

Here’s the breakdown of what you get with the Abundance Kit:

#1 - 12 of the most powerful oils for your health and well being (worth over $240)

#2 - Your own personal oils diffuser to energize your home or office (worth $79)

#3 - The new "Energy Clearing Formula" to clear negative energies of all kinds (worth over $49)

#4 - Bonus Training Session - to help you find the exact oils you need to clear emotional blocks, uncertainties, and literally any challenge your face (worth $49)

#5 - Clearing Prosperity Reversal Course - (Worth $79)

#6 - New Bonus: Special Interview With Dr. Greg Hitter - Expert on Essential Oils called "Optimizing Your Abundance" with Essential Oils - (worth $29)

If ordered separately, the 12 individual oils (plus diffuser) would cost over $324, but you can save over 50% when you order the Premium Oils Kit today. 

If you're looking for real breakthroughs in your abundance, health and well being and a renewed sense of wonder and deep connection to your Spirit, this special Kit will be a catalyst to whole new levels of transformation for you!

From my Heart,

Paul Bauer