The Best Way To Clear Your Energy, Feel Better and
Expand Your Consciousness

...In Just Minutes A Day

(and prevent many mind and body issues with ease)

Dear Friend,

I'm about to share one of the most powerful ways I've ever discovered that clears stuck energy in minutes and makes you feel inspired and clear. This incredible gift came to me several years ago, I met a man who completely changed my life.

He reminded me of Merlin or Yoda and he spoke gently and with such a sense of wisdom. I was in a group of people who came together to learn about Essential Oils, but I could not have expected the profound experience that I would have.

He gave each of us of time to have an experience with a group of oils, one by one.

And with each oil, something within me was shifting.  I could feel the energy of each oil - not just the smell.

Yes, the aroma was beautiful, but I was being introduced into a whole new world - and each oil was a tool for our awakening.  I watched as people around me literally transformed

Imagine seeing a group of people change in front of your eyes. I don’t mean just a quick smile, I mean a profound shift - the kind that makes you stand up and take notice.

That Day Changed My Life Forever

This was the real beginning of a new chapter in my life.

That special discovery was a particular kind of healing Essentials Oils. I had heard about them many times over the years, but I never knew just how powerful they really were.

And the man that shared them with us told us why they're were so different. I can remember the feeling of awe and amazement I felt as he described them to us. I'll never forget the feeling - a deep sense of something profound and exciting came to us and it continues to this day (over 7 years later).

The Incredible Healing Powers of A
Special Kind of Essential Oils 

These Essentials Oils are not like the kind you find in stores. They are grown from seed to harvest to the actual oils by a company called Young Living. They are the world leader in Essential Oils because they produce oils that are grown with love and compassion (right from the seeds).

No additives or chemical agents are ever used in the productions of these amazing oils. They are so safe - they can be taken internally. (Unlike all retail oils which are chemically altered to "smell" better - and have therefore lost all their healing powers (Chi). 

We've joined forces with Young Living because we've seen firsthand what they can do for anyone interested in feeling better and preventing disruptions of mind or body.

An image of an actual field of Lavender were these 
special oils are grown and harvested.

Here are the special oils we used

The Best Way To Begin - The Premium Starter Kit

The simplest way to begin your journey with pure Essential Oils is with the Premium Starter Kit. It contains 10 of the best oils available (and it's economical as well becasue you get a free diffuser!)

When you first open the box, it will feel like Christmas morning. You'll feel the healing energy coming from these oils and a smile will come to your Heart - knowing that these oils are "meant to be".

VIP - These Essentials Oils are not like the kind you find in stores!

Here's What You Get

What you'll get with your order: 

Ten Special Essential Oils  


Citrus Fresh

"The Five Energy Channels"

The oils that come with the Premium Kit are in essence a "Mind and Body Energy Balance Kit". Each oil has been carefully chosen to activate and balance "The 5 Energy Channels" of your body. 

 "The 5 Energy Channels" are the key energy centers of the body. Essential Oils are the simplest way to activate and balance these channels and live with vibrant energy and well being.
 - Pamela Hunter, Yogi and Aromatherapist

The Five Energy Channels are:

Breathe Deeply - Raven and Thieves

Move Freely  - PanAway and Valor

Bring in Sunshine  - Lemon and Citrus Fresh) - balances your pH

Digest with Ease - Peppermint and DiGize

Live Joyfully - Lavender and Frankincense 

PLUS - You get a Special Energy Channel Bonus:

Heart/Mind - Peace and Calming and Stress Away

Together, you have the most powerful mind/body healing and re-balancing kit ever created. 

The simplest way to begin your journey with pure Essential Oils is with the Premium Starter Kit. It contains 10 of the best oils available (and it's economical as well becasue you get a free diffuser!)

When you first open the box, it will feel like Christmas morning. You'll feel the healing energy coming from these oils and a smile will come to your Heart - knowing that these oils are "meant to be".

VIP - These Essentials Oils are not like the kind you find in stores!

We're so impressed with Young Living
oils they're now part of everything
we do at DreamsAlive

We've chosen to join forces with Young Living in sharing the healing essence of essential oils. Their essential oils are the best we've ever used - and are "therapeutic grade" - not the store bought kind that lack the purity and testing of Young Living oils.

*Note: many store bought oils (and at Amazon and Ebay) add synthetic and other "carrier oils" that weaken and denature the oil. 

The purity of Young Living oils will amaze you. Once you have your own experience with them, suddenly a veil will be lifted and you will begin to have a level of clarity and connection that you once thought wasn't possible. They're that powerful!

Note: These oils are not the kind you find in health food stores or online retailers. Almost all those oils contain additives, chemicals and other fillers to "enhance" aroma - but actually denature the oils. (carefully look at store bought oils and you will see "not safe for internal consumption" on the back label. 

Plus you'll receive the FREE Bonus Training (worth $97). When you order your Premium Starter Kit, you'll receive a free training by Paul to help you learn the exact oils to use for:

  • Clearing Stress
  • Strengthening your energy field 
  • Clearing old unresolved emotions 
  • Calming your mind
  • Gaining clarity of purpose
  • Feeling your own inner love 
  • Enhancing your meditation skills 
  • Purifying your intent and manifesting power 
  • Strengthen your connection to God/Source/Creator
  • This training is worth $97 and gives you the vital essentials of how to use the oils and the exact oils to use for any given issue.

    Special New Bonus

    We've created a new clearing method to help you eliminate negative energies of any kind in less time than it takes to go for a walk.

    It's called the "Energy Clearing Formula".

    You can use it to clear anxiety, worry, fear, apprehension and many other low frequency emotions. And it just takes a few minutes to learn and apply.

    The special oil that clears these low energies is included in the Premium Kit - but its how you use it that's the key. Like many of Young Living's Essential Oils, there are limitless healing qualities that are hidden within the oils. When you learn how to unlock these hidden qualities, layers of old heavy energy will be lifted and you will feel a level of peace and clarity you haven't felt in years.

    We're so confident that these special oils will help you clear any issue - that we're willing to offer you a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. All we ask is that you give them your whole hearted commitment to use them and listen to the free bonus training we provide you when you order the Premium Kit.

    Here's how to order your
    Everyday Essential Oils Kit

    Normally $324
    Now just $165

    (Save over 50%)

    If ordered separately, the 12 individual oils (plus diffuser) would cost over $324, but you can save over 50% when you order the Premium Oils Kit today. 

    Here's what you get:

    • 12 of the most powerful oils for your health and well being (worth over $240)
    • Your own personal oils diffuser to energize your home or office (worth $79)
    • The new "Energy Clearing Formula" to clear negative energies of all kinds (worth over $49)
    • Bonus Training Session - to help you find the exact oils you need to clear emotional blocks, uncertainties, and literally any challenge your face (worth $49)

    If you're looking for real breakthroughs in your health and well being and a renewed sense of wonder and deep connection to your Spirit, these oils will be a catalyst to whole new levels of transformation for you!

    From my Heart,

    Paul Bauer