Discover A Whole New World Of Healing Energies Hidden Within Pure Essential Oils 

(The simplest way of experiencing flow in literally everything you do)

Dear Friend,

If you love Essential Oils and you've sensed there was more to them than you've experienced up til now, you're on the verge of one of the biggest discoveries of your life.

Do you remember the first time you smelled a pure Essential Oil? How did you feel? 

I'll never forget my first experience with these deeper levels - it was just like yesterday. I had no frame of reference for what I felt, but it felt heavenly. My mind wasn't involved at all. It was an experience I felt throughout my body. 

Time just stood still...

I was in awe - because I had never felt that experience before.

I learned that when Essential Oils are pure (not the kind you buy in stores) they contain a high level of Chi (healing energy). This high vibration is the key to expanding your consciousness, clearing blocks and living in the Present Moment. 

I realized that all the oils I had tried prior to that moment were missing this Chi.

No wonder I never felt that feeling before!

"There's More to Essential Oils Than Meets the Nose"

Most people are drawn to Essential Oils because of their beautiful aromas. While that's a great start, it's only scratching the surface of the real powers of pure oils.

If you caught my video on the Transformative Powers of Essential Oils, you learned that the real powers of the oils lie beneath the surface. (here's the link if you missed it). In other words, the smell is just 20% of the their potential energy and transformative capacity.

The deeper levels (the 80%) gives you access to whole new worlds of consciousness, healing, inner peace, abundance and literally anything you can imagine.


Because these deeper levels exist at a dramatically higher vibration (dimension) - and when you tap into these higher vibrations, you literally transform. Problems of the old self dissolve and you step into the higher dimensions of yourself. That's the beauty of pure oils.

They open your mind and Heart to levels of being that will astound you...!

One Of Nature's Greatest Gifts

When we smell the aroma of a real Essential Oil, we instinctively know "something's right". Something pure. Something beautiful and God-like. 

In essence, it's what we all long for, yet it seems to hard to find. And often it's right there, under our nose! Think about it - how do you feel when you take a walk in the forest, or near a lake, or hike your local trail or mountain? It changes your entire energy field.


If there's something you've wanted, but you suspect that there's a "hidden block" that's been stopping you from having it, this course will be an answer to your prayers. Especially if you've tried other programs and for whatever reason, you haven't achieved the results you wanted.

No matter how many times you've strived and failed - even if you don't think that creating what you want is possible, I personally guarantee this course will help you break free of the old patterns that have been holding you back so you can have what you want and experience the results in your life.

 "The Myth Of Self Sabotage"

I don't know about you, but I don't know anyone who wakes up wanting their day to go badly. 

A powerful Home Study Course to help you create
your passions and goals with unstoppable
clarity, focus and certainty

Simply stated, after you complete this course, you will experience crystal-clear clarity on what brings you passion and joy and how to attain it in your everyday life.

"My earnings have more than quadrupled..."  

I have had an immense leap forward in my abundance area of work and life in general. My earnings have more than quadrupled and I am enjoying many exciting opportunities with my work and ability to help other people. ...Paul's guidance has been of singular and specific benefit to me in being able to work daily on my beliefs and aspirations with great effect. 

- Paul Samuels, Brisbane Australia

The Secrets of Manifesting" Course is unlike anything you have ever studied or tried before 

 Here's what makes this course unique...

In my own life, I used to struggle with trying to fix the problems that showed up...

What Unknown Part of You Determines
Over 90% Of Your Results?

This is the area that people understand least, yet controls over 90% of our daily behavior. That's the single biggest reason that despite your efforts, despite how much you set goals, intend, affirm, visualize, etc, that the subconscious still makes over 90% of your daily decisions.

"Your unconscious is making your
everyday decisions"


Here's What You'll Experience In
Each Part Of The Course

Here's some of what you'll learn in this powerful course:

  • A simple 3 minute exercise that you can do anywhere, anytime that eliminates doubts, fears and uncertainty and shifts your vibrational energy from low to high
  • How to overcome "The Not Enough Effect" and stop its life-draining effect on your career, relationships and your health
  • How focusing on "only on results" causes suffering and heartache (and what to do instead) How the energy of gratitude can be scientifically proven and how to harness its power to create astounding results
  • Why most manifesting methods fail - and a method that works 100% of the time
  • The 3 biggest causes of financial self sabotage (these easily avoidable pitfalls will surprise you)
  • How to eliminate "scarcity mentality" and turn on your "prosperity circuits" and how to prevent energy reversals that compromise your results
  • What to do if the Law of Attraction "isn't working" for you (in almost every case, there's a hidden reason why and when you discover it, it will simply amaze you
  • The proven way (and the wrong way) to create your manifestations - (knowing this single concept will save you days and months of struggle)
  • The two ways of using the Power of Intention - and why one of them always short circuits what you want
  • How to let go of "social hypnosis" of "wanting", consumerism and "external" effects
  • Are you really ready to have all you want? - or just part of it?
  • How to distinguish "Essence" from "form" and how getting caught up in the world of "form" causes stress and cancels your best intentions 

  • How to let go of the attachment to results, and live freely
  • How to escape from the trap of "cause and effect" (waiting for things to show up to feel better and be happy)
  • Why "wanting" and "needing" actually repels what you want - and the specific thing that you can do to align your core energy with what you want and allow it to manifest What is the "DLW" and how can it help you get everything you want in life?
  • Why your feelings are far more powerful than your thoughts - and how to tap into the power of your feelings to create the results you want

"Clear-Mind is like gold to me."

Clear-Mind is like gold to me. The first time I ever used it, I was able to sleep the entire night (I've had insomnia for years). I haven't felt this good in along time! - Belita Swan, Ottawa Ontario

~ Marlo Brewitz, St. Paul, MN 

 Just look at everything you get...

9 Full Modules of Course Material 
(value $249.00)

You can listen to each lesson in the comfort of your home, office, car or while you relax (you can even learn while workout). Each Module is specially designed so you can tap into your inner strengths and manifesting skills

How do I order?

All together, the "Secrets of Manifesting" course is worth well over $540.00, but you can get it now for only $197.00.

Click here to reserve your copy. If you really want to take advantage of what this E-course can do for you... order now. The only thing you're risking is having the future of your dreams. Remember, it's got a full 30 day guarantee.

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30 Day Guarantee
If you don't experience greater calmness, inner peace and clarity with The Secrets of Manifesting Course than any program you've ever used, simply return it for your full money back.

If you want to make significant, long lasting, serious changes and if you really want to enjoy the kind of peace and prosperity in all parts of your life that others seem to achieve so easily, the "Secrets of Manifesting" course will get you there - and it's guaranteed.

Every day you wait is another day you won't be enjoying the benefits of this life-changing course. When you order now, you'll receive the full "Secrets of Manifesting" Course, all the materials, the daily exercises and the interactive personal guidance that will give you the skills you need to create what you want (with far less effort than you've ever thought possible)

"If you are serious about getting off the "treadmill" of life and want to create wealth in all aspects (material and spiritual), Paul's System will be a breakthrough of epic proportions in your life.

Paul's revolutionary System will help you eliminate any old blocks that have held you back in life and help you turn your "prosperity switch" back on to attract what you want most. My highest recommendation!

John Assaraf
New York Times and Wall Street Journal
Bestselling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur

Save over $200 when you order today!

If purchased separately, Clear-Mind™ costs 97.00 and the "Secrets of Manifesting" course is Normally 297.00 - but when you order today the Course is Only $197.00.

Two Options To Choose From

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  • 9 Full Modules of the Secrets of Manifesting Course
  • Special Manifesting Audio Coaching Sessions
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I look forward to hearing about the breakthroughs you achieve with Clear-Mind™.

Order your own personal copy of Clear-Mind™ today.

Paul Bauer - President Dreams Alive

You have my personal promise that The Secrets of Manifesting ™ will be one of the most powerful programs you've ever used - or your money back. Why wait even one more day to tap your true manifesting power?

Order your own personal copy of Secrets of Manifesting™ by clicking here now

 Let's review what you'll get when you order now:

1) 9 Powerful Manfesting Modules (PLUS Paul's special Bonus audio)
2) PLUS- 2 Bonus Group Audio Coaching Sessions (worth over 197.00)
3) Pre-Study Sheets for each module
4) Paul's new Clear-Mind Meditation Program (worth 149.00)

And...(with free LIVE bonus training Session) on how use Clear-Mind™ to clear the "Restless Mind".

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"My experience with Clear Mind is that it has an amazing way of stimulating ideas for me and bringing clarity to issues that I am struggling with. I sit with my journal while I listen to it and just write what comes. It's great. It seems to stimulate my mind to act on what is coming from my heart. I love it."

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