Serenity Gathering RSVP

Thank you!  I look forward to seeing you on the Webinar... 

Time and Date:
Saturday,March 14
Time - 11 am CST
(12 Noon EST, 9 am PST)

Here’s the link for the Webinar
Until then, Blessings of Aloha My Friend!
Paul Bauer

Here's some of what we'll be sharing:

   * Meditate and experience the alignment of your Heart and mind

   * Let go of old emotions and energies that hold you back

   * Learn the powerful Serenity Breath to help you zap stress and restore your inner balance

   * Connect with a group of like-minded and like-Hearted people passionate about humanity and our planet

   * Get inspired to help others release disempowering "mind viruses" and restore their inner connections